Run The Bridge

lsof 란? 본문


lsof 란?

anfrhrl5555 2022. 3. 7. 21:45

0. 들어가기에 앞서

linux의 수많은 command 중에 lsof라고 있다.


lsof는 'list open files'의 약자로 현재 열려있는 파일들의 나열이라고 보면 된다.


더 자세히는 열려있는 모든 파일과 그 파일들을 열고 있는 프로세스들의 목록을 출력한다.


이 lsof를 어떤 용도로 사용하면 우리의 linux가 좀 더 편안해질까 알아본다.

1. 실습

lsof의 head는 다음과 같이 구성되어 있다.



명령어 설명
COMMAND 실행한 명령어(ex: bash, systemd)
PID Process ID
TID Thread ID
TASKCMD COMMAND에 나오는 명령과 동일하지만 Linux 작업에 대한 추가 정보를 기록
USER 실행한 사용자
FD File Descriptor(파일의 종류)
 - cwd: current working directory
 - rtd: root directory
 - mem: memory-mapped file
 - txt: program text
TYPE 파일 종류
 - dir: 디렉터리
 - chr: character special file
 - reg: regular file
 - unix: 유닉스 도메인 소켓
DEVICE 장치 번호
SIZE/OFF 파일 크기/오프셋
NODE 노드 번호
NAME 파일 명

다음 명령으로 디렉터리에 열려있는 파일들을 확인할 수 있다.

vi /etc/cron.deny  # cron.deny 파일을 연다.

특정 파일을 열었으면 'lsof' 명령으로 확인이 가능하다.

# lsof [디렉토리 명]

[root@localhost ~]# lsof /etc
bash      5577 root  cwd    DIR  253,0     8192 134284545 /etc
vi      125482 root  cwd    DIR  253,0     8192 134284545 /etc

특정 유저를 생성하고, 해당 유저가 만든 특정 파일을 검색해본다. 


나는 'lsof-test'라는 유저를 생성했다.


사용자를 검색하려면 '-u' 옵션을 주면 된다.

[root@localhost ~]# lsof -u lsof-test
bash    125505 lsof-test  cwd    DIR  253,2       35  16777344 /home/lsof-test/lsof
bash    125505 lsof-test  rtd    DIR  253,0      224       128 /
bash    125505 lsof-test  txt    REG  253,0  1150584    284498 /usr/bin/bash
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  2586930    284282 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_COLLATE
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  9253600 136025308 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    46272  68211333 /usr/lib64/
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  3167872  67554574 /usr/lib64/
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    28856  67554576 /usr/lib64/
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   187496  67552190 /usr/lib64/
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   278512  67552191 /usr/lib64/
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   337024   1231783 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_CTYPE
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       54   1231785 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NUMERIC
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0     3316  68151640 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TIME
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      286  68151638 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MONETARY
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    26998 134337564 /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       57  67554550 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       34 201520700 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_PAPER
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       77    284285 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NAME
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      167  67554533 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_ADDRESS
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       59  68151639 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TELEPHONE
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       23  68151637 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MEASUREMENT
bash    125505 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      368  68151636 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
bash    125505 lsof-test    0u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
bash    125505 lsof-test    1u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
bash    125505 lsof-test    2u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
bash    125505 lsof-test    3r   REG  253,0  9253600 136025308 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
bash    125505 lsof-test  255u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
vim     125537 lsof-test  cwd    DIR  253,2       35  16777344 /home/lsof-test/lsof
vim     125537 lsof-test  rtd    DIR  253,0      224       128 /
vim     125537 lsof-test  txt    REG  253,0  3063600    830690 /usr/bin/vim
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  9253600 136025308 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    46272  68211333 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  2586930    284282 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_COLLATE
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    26704  67554873 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   543160  67552159 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  3167872  67554574 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   321552  67554588 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    28856  67554576 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    28984  67802711 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    59272  67554876 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   187496  67552190 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   168536  67552166 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0  2191840  67554578 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   278512  67552191 /usr/lib64/
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0   337024   1231783 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_CTYPE
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       54   1231785 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NUMERIC
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0     3316  68151640 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TIME
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      286  68151638 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MONETARY
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0    26998 134337564 /usr/lib64/gconv/gconv-modules.cache
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       57  67554550 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MESSAGES/SYS_LC_MESSAGES
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       34 201520700 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_PAPER
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       77    284285 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_NAME
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      167  67554533 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_ADDRESS
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       59  68151639 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_TELEPHONE
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0       23  68151637 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_MEASUREMENT
vim     125537 lsof-test  mem    REG  253,0      368  68151636 /usr/lib/locale/en_US.utf8/LC_IDENTIFICATION
vim     125537 lsof-test    0u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
vim     125537 lsof-test    1u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
vim     125537 lsof-test    2u   CHR  136,0      0t0         3 /dev/pts/0
vim     125537 lsof-test    3r   REG  253,0  9253600 136025308 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
vim     125537 lsof-test    5u   REG  253,2    12288  16777346 /home/lsof-test/lsof/.test.swp

기본적으로 user가 생성되면 열리는 파일이 일단은 lib 파일들이 대다수 있다.


그중에는 나를 아주 많이 고생시킨 /usr/lib64/ 라이브러리 파일도 보인다...

2. PORT 확인하기

lsof 명령으로 PORT도 확인할 수 있다.


현재 내가 ssh로 연결되어 있어서 ssh 관련 포트를 확인할 수 있다.

[root@localhost ~]# lsof -i TCP:22
sshd      5556 root    5u  IPv4  37374      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      5560 root    5u  IPv4  37438      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      5561 root    5u  IPv4  37374      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd      5565 root    5u  IPv4  37438      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd     43192 root    4u  IPv4  94959      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd     43192 root    6u  IPv6  94961      0t0  TCP *:ssh (LISTEN)
sshd    121559 root    5u  IPv4 207368      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd    121903 root    5u  IPv4 207732      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd    121910 root    5u  IPv4 207368      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)
sshd    121929 root    5u  IPv4 207732      0t0  TCP localhost.localdomain:ssh-> (ESTABLISHED)

3. 정규표현식으로 필터링하기

lsof는 정규표현식도 사용 가능하다.


다음 명령으로 root를 제외한 목록을 확인할 수 있다.

[root@localhost ~]# lsof -u ^root | more
COMMAND      PID   TID TASKCMD             USER   FD      TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF      NODE NAME
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  cwd       DIR              253,0      224       128 /
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  rtd       DIR              253,0      224       128 /
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  txt       REG              253,0   245648    446650 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon (deleted)
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0          135123536 /var/lib/sss/mc/initgroups
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0          135123521 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67862845 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554587 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           68211334 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   145984  67554794 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554763 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67862969 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554577 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   543160  67552159 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67109003 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554931 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67862807 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554750 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67555012 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   192024  67554741 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554593 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554575 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554589 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554824 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   123336  67554829 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   168536  67552166 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  mem       REG              253,0   243984  67554787 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67862847 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67862809 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus  DEL       REG              253,0           67554568 /usr/lib64/
dbus-daem    886                           dbus    0u      CHR                1,3      0t0      1027 /dev/null

4. NFS files 선택하기

-N 옵션을 사용하면 NFS files를 선택할 수 있다.

5. lsof --help

[root@localhost ~]# lsof --help
lsof: illegal option character: -
lsof: -e not followed by a file system path: "lp"
lsof 4.93.2
 latest revision:
 latest FAQ:
 latest (non-formatted) man page:
 usage: [-?abhKlnNoOPRtUvVX] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-E] [+|-e s] [+|-f[gG]]
 [-F [f]] [-g [s]] [-i [i]] [+|-L [l]] [+m [m]] [+|-M] [-o [o]] [-p s]
 [+|-r [t]] [-s [p:s]] [-S [t]] [-T [t]] [-u s] [+|-w] [-x [fl]] [-Z [Z]] [--] [names]
Defaults in parentheses; comma-separated set (s) items; dash-separated ranges.
  -?|-h list help          -a AND selections (OR)     -b avoid kernel blocks
  -c c  cmd c ^c /c/[bix]  +c w  COMMAND width (9)    +d s  dir s files
  -d s  select by FD set   +D D  dir D tree *SLOW?*   +|-e s  exempt s *RISKY*
  -i select IPv[46] files  -K [i] list|(i)gn tasKs    -l list UID numbers
  -n no host names         -N select NFS files        -o list file offset
  -O no overhead *RISKY*   -P no port names           -R list paRent PID
  -s list file size        -t terse listing           -T disable TCP/TPI info
  -U select Unix socket    -v list version info       -V verbose search
  +|-w  Warnings (+)       -X skip TCP&UDP* files     -Z Z  context [Z]
  -- end option scan
  -E display endpoint info              +E display endpoint info and files
  +f|-f  +filesystem or -file names     +|-f[gG] flaGs
  -F [f] select fields; -F? for help
  +|-L [l] list (+) suppress (-) link counts < l (0 = all; default = 0)
                                        +m [m] use|create mount supplement
  +|-M   portMap registration (-)       -o o   o 0t offset digits (8)
  -p s   exclude(^)|select PIDs         -S [t] t second stat timeout (15)
  -T qs TCP/TPI Q,St (s) info
  -g [s] exclude(^)|select and print process group IDs
  -i i   select by IPv[46] address: [46][proto][@host|addr][:svc_list|port_list]
  +|-r [t[m<fmt>]] repeat every t seconds (15);  + until no files, - forever.
       An optional suffix to t is m<fmt>; m must separate t from <fmt> and
      <fmt> is an strftime(3) format for the marker line.
  -s p:s  exclude(^)|select protocol (p = TCP|UDP) states by name(s).
  -u s   exclude(^)|select login|UID set s
  -x [fl] cross over +d|+D File systems or symbolic Links
  names  select named files or files on named file systems
Anyone can list all files; /dev warnings disabled; kernel ID check disabled.

그밖에 필요한 명령이 있으면 그때그때 찾아서 사용하면 될 것 같다.



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